Full Color Marble Finish Wood Plaque | Accolade Designs

Full Color Marble Finish Wood Plaque
Full Color Marble Finish Wood Plaque
Full Color Imprint on Silver Aluminum Plate - Item# FPJ0018
$33.90 - $75.90
Volume Discounts
Sizes (inches) Qty 1-5 6-11 12-24 25+
  7 x 9 $33.90 $31.90 $30.90 $29.90
  8 x 10 $38.90 $36.90 $35.90 $34.90
  9 x 12 $45.90 $43.90 $41.90 $39.90
  10.5 x 13 $55.90 $52.90 $50.90 $48.90
  12 x 15 $75.90 $71.90 $68.90 $65.90
Production Time: 2 to 3 Business Days
We will imprint your design on this glossy silver aluminum plate and mount it on this classic marble finish wood plaque.
Engraving Policy: First 100 Characters FREE. Additional Characters are $0.10 each.

When Will You Receive Your Product?

We expect to finish production of your product on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Please allow more time for large quantities.
When you will receive your product depends on the shipping method you select on the Checkout page.
Shipping Method Overnight 2-Day 3-Day Standard
Estimated Delivery Date Fri, 02/14/25 Mon, 02/17/25 Tue, 02/18/25 Thu, 02/20/25 (See Transit-Time Map)
Need a Rush Order? Email: orders@AccoladeDesigns.com

Customer Reviews (Write your own review)

Average Customer Ratings

Most Helpful Reviews

7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
By: Dawson Irvine (Carrot River, Saskatchewan), Sunday, March 13, 2016
The images turned out beautifully and when I made a mistake and noticed after I ordered the Support was very helpful and made the change after order for me. They also rushed shipping as my time to the event was uncertain (hockey playoffs) and thus made it here one time (Didn't need the rush shipping after all as we won the first series and continued on but it made it here on time if we hadn't). Excellent service, pretty good pricing and they ship with the USPS which is awesome in my eyes. I would definitely purchase this again!!
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6 of 6 people found this review helpful.
By: Michelle Casillas (Malden, MA), Tuesday, November 24, 2015
I am very pleased with this plaque! Great packed and I received it before my issued delivery date. Its nice and clean very professional in graved.
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Each quantity have same text?
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Need Additional Help? designs@AccoladeDesigns.com
Design Name - Untitled ©2020 Accolade Designs. All Rights Reserved.
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Quantity #1
Engraving Cost: $0.00  per quantity
Number of characters: 0
First 100 characters are FREE for each quantity.
Additional characters are $0.10 each.
Need help using the Design Studio?
Email: support@AccoladeDesigns.com
Phone: 1-888-628-3298
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM Pacific Std Time
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Design Summary
Description Qty Unit Price Price
Full Color Marble Finish Wood Plaque
Product Number: FPJ0018A
Size: 7.0 x 9.0 (inches)
1 $33.90 $33.90
Total Engraving Cost: $0.00
Total Price: $0.00
Important Message
Please double-check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Accolade Designs will customize the product according to the design above. When necessary, we will help you adjust the spacing, alignment and sizing for best appearance.